Editor’s note: For legal reasons we are obliged in the case of Mr. Woodley to print a disclosure of his full CV for reasons made unclear to us at the time of publication by his solicitors. They have been reached out to, but were unavailable for comment.
- Candy (1990) Tite Morrowvale
- Gossamer (1992) White Pube
- Grunge (1993) Tite Morrowvale
- Kiss (1994-1995) Goldcrest Square
- Bouffante (1995) White Pube
- Suck (1996) Swanley Art Factory
- Anus (1999) White Pube
- Fistula (2000-2002) Tite Morrowvale
- Circles (2009) Gallery at The Hoover
- Misanthropy (2011) – Contemporary Visual Arts
- Hyperotica – Unfinished Art Series (2014-)
- Pandemonium (2020) – Contemporary Visual Arts
- Mayonnaise (1993) Pump House
- Our Lord Mayor (1994-present) Victor Square, Green Park
- Fart Jars (1996-1997) Pump House
- Winklephone (1998) Telegraph Center
- Omnivorous (1998) Nike Mens Store, Great Bustard Street
- The Art of Hiding Things in Plain Sight (1999) Morrowvale, various locations.
- Episiotomy (2004) Pump House
- Disco (2005) Pump House
- Hypertrophy (2006) The Greenhouses, Nightingale Park
- Sappy (2007) Junction Arthaus
- Squares (2008) Millennium Station
- Arse (2009) Telegraph Center
- Mythography (2010) Green Park Station-present
- Influenza (2011) – Contemporary Visual Arts
- Funny Ideas (2012) – Contemporary Visual Arts
- Every Day Is Kangaroo Day (2013) – Contemporary Visual Arts
- Mindspam (2014) – Contemporary Visual Arts
- People of Morrowvale (2018)
- Hyperotica (2020) – Contemporary Visual Arts ON HOLD due to PANDEMIC
Woodley’s Oeuvre – which explores an area between Post-Modernism and Pseudoism, is broken into
- The Waste Paintings
- The Confusion Paintings
- The Duck Paintings
- The Orange Paintings
- The Phlegmish Paintings
- The Death Paintings
- The Night Paintings
- The Love Paintings
- The Aurora Paintings
- The White Paintings
- The Tube Paintings
- The Food Paintings
- The Mucus Paintings
- The Blood Paintings
- The Information Paintings
- The Coitus Paintings
- The Nightmare Paintings
- The Beer Paintings
- The Biro Paintings
- The Xenophobes